So a while back when I had my Honda civic, it was stolen and dropped off in the ghetto of Escondido. The only thing they took was a picture of Oscar that was on my dashboard and his travel crate which was in my trunk. For many nights after, I held him closely thinking they were coming to get him from me! haha. They never came. Anyways, since then I haven't purchased a new crate because they can be pretty expensive. So I found this one at right aid that was made out of a vinyl material and zipped up (what was I thinking with Houdini in the house) So I decide that I will put him in the mesh crate while I go to the zoo with Caleb. We have a blast and when I get home Oscar is greeting me at the door shaking his butt left and right and so happy to see me...he is of course out of breath from the anxiety he has had with me being gone all day. The first thing I how the hell did he get out. I had put him in the crate and put the crate in my room with the door shut. So I go in my room and the crate is torn to shreds. So I am looking all around and my first instinct was that someone came in and let him out of my room after he escaped the crate....but no one was home at the time. So I am just mind boggled. Then I see it...the shred of screen on my hamper. I look up and I see my screen hanging out the window with a huge hole in it. Oscar had chewed a hole in the screen and then busted out of it--jumped out the window to the backyard and went in through the doggy door and was waiting for me when I walked in. It was so unreal that I couldn't even be mad...I laughed. He is the most unreal dog I have ever met. Please see photos.
Wow--I was going through my old saved documents and I found this blog I had started about Oscar. I can't believe it will almost be a year since I have written anything in it!!! So much has happened with the little rascal. He just turned 3 on September 25th~I of course turned 27 on September 9th...luckily we are both Virgos. Right now he is sleeping soundly at my feet and I am trying to decide which story I should tell as my welcome back blog entry. I think I will share about his eye surgery :( About 5 months ago his eye really started bothering him. He was always scratching at it and it was watery and red. I took him to the vet twice and they kept telling me he had conjunctivitis....but the medicine wasn’t working and it was getting worse! So finally I took him to an eye care specialist. Low and behold they called me within ten minutes of dropping him off to let me know he had Ectopic Celia. Basically, his eyelashes were growing into his eyeball. So they had to do surgery right away and there was no hesitation for me---if he was in pain, which I knew he was, and it could cause him to go blind....I knew it needed to be done. Since his first initial surgery he has had to go have two more within the past 4 months. His eyelash hair keeps growing back although they scrape the eyelid and laser off the hair follicles--there is still a possibility it can grow back a couple of times. Luckily the majority of the cost is good for a let's just hope he is good after that. Above is a picture of the saddest dog in the world.